Huna Mua: A comprehensive and in-depth program of study of the Lomi Lomi, Huna, Ancient and Sacred Mystery Teachings, and more
Workshops Apprenticeships Private Sessions
Lomi Lomi, Huna Mua and other workshops offered by Karen Reifinger

Hawaiian Temple Style Bodywork Training

LomiLomi: 4-Day Intensive Training

This workshop combines Module 1 and Module 2, thereby creating a more intense and beneficial dynamic than the single 2-day workshop. All aspects of the training become more comprehensive, allowing the time and space for all participants to explore the many applications of this ancient art to their existing practice, client, as well as their own personal well-being and possibilities.

This workshop includes:

History of Hawaiian Bodywork
Bodywork Techniques for the Back and Front of the Body
The Unique Body Mechanic (Ka'alele)
Exercises in Self-Care and Self-Awareness
Principles of Sacred Touch and Sacred Space
Facilitating a Full Session
Client Care and Communication Skills
Specialized Music for a Lomi Session

Pre-requisite(s):No prior massage training/experience necessary
Contact Hours: 32 NCBTMB Approved CEUs
Facilitator:Karen Reifinger, CMT