Lomi Ke Ala Hoku: Lomi of the pathway to the stars
Originally designed to enlighten the being in the physical body,the sacred practice
of LomiLomi incorporates movement, breath, dance, and the power of intention
and presence. Honoring the body as a temple of the soul, this massage is a transformational
experience to free the body of long held stress patterns, using deep and gentle
rhythmic strokes of the facilitator’s forearms…connecting the giver
and receiver in a beautiful “dance.” These strokes create an immense
outpouring of energy, lulling you into a deep meditative state of bliss. The focus
is on letting go, quieting the mind of its chatter, and allowing your Self to
receive unconditionally.
This unique bodywork reweaves a new way of being, becoming a profound contemporary rite of passage that facilitates and celebrates the meaningful transitions in your life. Many find it to be a unique and profound heart opening experience.
more information about LomiLomi workshops
Call now to schedule your session!
Lomi Ke Ala Hoku is a form of Hawaiian bodywork that has a strong foundation based on Hawaiian
culture and beliefs.This workshop keeps the integrity of the spiritual foundation intact but
does not promote or endorse any particular religion.